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Ever Wish You Could Cancel Your Bet at Halftime?

Scott Morris | November 14, 2015

Well if you are a customer at Heritage Sportsbooks (Rating A) and you bet on the NORTHERN ILLINOIS vs WESTERN MICHIGAN football game scheduled for Wednesday November 18, you can do just that.

Heritage is trying out a new incentive called cancel your bet. If you don’t like the way your bet is going then you can simply log in and cancel it at half time. Here at SBA we are thinking that there may be a future for this kind of option that would resemble the “surrender” move in a blackjack hand. Possibly sportsbooks will let you pay a small fee or concede your vig in order to get out of a bet.

As of right now it is experimental and is offered simply as a promotional gimmick but we can count on seeing more of this type of offer from online sportsbooks.

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