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Bovada Sportsbook Redesign

Scott Morris | July 18, 2018

Many users of Bovada were surprised today when visiting the popular website to see a brand new website design. They dropped the dreary grey and black theme for a new shiny white website featuring other brighter colors.  Their old site was great for its time but it has been several years and they needed to redesign to keep up with the times.

Unfortunately, many people are complaining that they don’t have access to their accounts because along with the redesign, there appears to be a forced password change. This is a great idea for websites to do every once in a while especially in light of the hacks of other sportsbooks earlier this year. Customers may view it as inconvenient but taking the couple of minutes to reset the password can save some real headaches later on. Balance theft is a real thing.

As far as security upgrades are concerned, Bovada also implemented a pin code utility. Much like your pin code for your bank card, this four digit code will help protect their clients from balance robbery.

The new design and layout features a much easier to manage navigation. Clear cut categories allow you to find your sporting event quickly. When you log in, you will be prompted to take a quick tour of the new features and layout. It is all pretty self-explanatory.

We will continue to monitor feedback and payout reports from clients as time goes on in order to offer our readers a good accurate rating of this sportsbook.

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