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Most Important Factor When Choosing a Sportsbook – Poll

Scott Morris | January 8, 2024
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There are many factors which make up a sportsbook. You have everything from customer service to the actual bankroll backing the operation. In the early days of online betting, sportsbooks could get away with a lot more because options were lacking. Now, in an age where sports betting is legal in most U.S. states, you see them battling over your buck. In fact, you cannot watch a sporting event on TV without being bombarded with sportsbook ads. But what are the most important factors people look for when choosing a place to lay down their action?

We created this poll to help give us and our readers more insight. If people had to choose one single most important factor, what would that factor be? We hope that you participate in our poll and share with others as well. You are what makes our site succeed and we appreciate you for that.

Most Important Factor When Choosing a Sportsbook

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