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SBA Seal of Approval

Scott Morris | December 17, 2012

Many times we are asked what it takes to get the SBA A+ rated seal. This short essay explains the process of approving this rating and awarding this seal.

The sportsbook that is chosen for the rating has to have no major outstanding “no-pays”. A No pay is when they simply have refused to pay a player and have no reason as to why they haven’t (ie fraud). The sportsbooks must have a good record of paying players in a timely manner. The sportsbooks must have been conducting good clean operations for over two years. And finally, they must enter into an agreement with us that they will discuss any problems that may ever arise from one of the players we have sent over as well as any issues brought to our attention from previous players.

SBA seal of approvalAs long as a sportsbook is in good standing they can fly our SBA Rated A+ banner on their website and promotional material.  Of the 116 active sportsbooks we currently have rated and monitor, only 6 are A+ rated and carry our seal. Only another 13 are rated in the A category. Top sportsbooks can be found here. And Entire sportsbook rating area is here.

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