ATP or Against the Public Betting – What Do You Know?

What do you know about contrarian or ATP betting? Do you know that betting against the public has been around almost as long as sportsbooks themselves? It is said that some of the early operators of sportsbooks would tell their friends and family which way everyone was betting so that they could place their own bet the other way. This story may be anecdotal but you get the idea.
Careful and methodical ATP bettors have been able to turn a profit. For instance, if you applied the strict rules of ATP betting to the NFL games this past weekend you would have gone 5-3-1 ATS. Not exactly burning up the books but winning nonetheless.
If you look at the NFL public betting chart there is an ATP play for tonight’s game Pittsburgh vs Cincinnati. But how comfortable do you feel placing your hard earned cash on the Bengals? The line has moved since we generated that report, having gone from PIT -13 to PIT -14.5 at most online sportsbooks. We have a play on that game but its not on the side. Its a total points pick and you can find it here.
Sources Are Important
Where you get your public betting trend information is important too. If the information is not accurate then at best it is worthless. At worst, it is harmful. If you are practicing contrarian sports betting and the information is not accurate you are destined to fail.
Here is a short video we have created speaking on the basics of ATP on our newly formed Youtube channel. Please share the link to our channel and get it out there. Our views and subscribers are rookie numbers and we need to pump those numbers up (famous line from the Wolf of Wall Street). But seriously, we appreciate you helping get the word out there.