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Posts tagged ‘America’

  • graph of what percentage of americans approve of sports betting

    What Percentage of Americans Approve of Sports Betting?

    Betting on sports is almost as old as sports itself. From the very first contest ever held there have been spectators wagering with one another on what the outcome would be. The ultimate goal is to ma...
  • Man wins wild bet sports bettng

    The Craziest Bets of 2021

    The 2021 year in sports was one of redemption of sorts. It was a year where fans could get back in the stands and enjoy. Many of those fans were also sports bettors who also enjoyed a wild and crazy 2...
  • NFL Will Recover with Help of Sports Betting

    We are all well aware of the troubles the NFL has had with ratings last season. Wether that decline in ratings is due to slower moving games (replay), less violent hits, or players kneeling during the...
  • A Brief History of Sports Betting in The United States

    Betting on sports in the United States has been in practice since the very first days of this country’s existence. Through changes in laws, the rise of casinos, and finally the creation of the i...

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