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Posts tagged ‘betting stories’

  • phil mickelson on the course

    Phil Mickelson Degenerate Gambler?

    In the world of sports betting we have all types of people who bet for various reasons. We have people who do it for fun (most bettors), people who do it as a profession (or attempted profession), and...
  • Mattress Mack Super Bowl 57 report

    Mattress Mack Sitting Out Super Bowl 57

    The furniture store guru from Texas Mack MacIngvale says he is “sitting this one out.”. He goes on to say that “the odds are too tight.” The odds he is referring to are the 1.5...
  • being limited or kicked out of a sportsbook

    Why Am I Being Limited at My Sportsbook?

    Sportsbooks exist to book bets on sporting events. But they really exist to make money. This is done by the built-in “bookie fee” or “vig” that comes with each bet. On your sta...

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