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Posts tagged ‘social media’

  • Next CEO of Twitter betting odds

    Next CEO & Owner of Twitter Odds

    The Twitter drama continues as new CEO and Owner Elon Musk cleans house and cuts their workforce by 80+%. His single goal is to turn the behemoth social media company into one which generates profit i...
  • Hypocrisy in Sports Betting in Regards to Leagues and Social Media

    We all know that the Supreme Court decision in 2018 that affected sports betting. If you were unaware or just forgot, the US Supreme Court struck down the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Ac...
  • SBA moves to Facebook

    We’re Over Here Now – SBA Moves its Social Media to Facebook

    Many readers enjoyed getting their updates from SBA on their Twitter. We usually would share tips, trends and most recent articles on there. Because of Twitter’s policies and us constantly havin...

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