Betting Public Concerned About Rigged NFL Games and Terrible Game Announcers
It has long been said that “knowledge is power” and those who know more do better in life. This is because with knowledge usually comes better informed decision making. Information can come from anywhere. For the purposes of this article we would like to share with you what we see behind the scenes at SBA.
Google uses its search information to guide its own path to success. They can actually see what the public is thinking at any given time and make moves to capitalize on this information. In fact, it is safe to say that there has never been a better gauge as to what the people of the world were thinking than raw search data found at Google. You can find more on this topic here
The backend to our very own website helps us see what people think about the current sports world and events. Because we have over 5000+ indexed pages in Google with a wide variety of sports and sports betting topics, we can often tell what people are feeling by what articles are viewed most and what search terms guided them here.
Yesterday produced two very strong results. We noticed an uptick of 500% during last night’s Chargers vs Dolphins game for the term “are NFL games fixed?”, a search which lands website visitors on this article. This was right around the time that refs called a very questionable penalty on #15 Jaelen Phillips for the Miami Dolphins for “roughing the passer”. Even the announcers, including one Chris Collinsworth, were outraged by the bad call. That leads us to the second article which received a huge uptick. You can see the terrible penalty clip here
Our article titled Most Hated TV Sports Announcer also received about a 400-500% boost during last night’s game. The article includes a poll which requires people to vote on their most hated sports announcer before they can see the results. Last night, every one of those votes were for Chris Collinsworth. I watched the game and I must say he was in rare form. His comments were silly, mundane and sometimes irrelevant.
We will throw more tidbit of information in here before closing out the article. Searches we receive towards the end of every weekend, especially during football season, have to do with hedging the final leg of a parlay. This article always enjoys a surge on Sunday nights and Mondays. For those lucky people to have a big parlay still alive heading into Sunday and Monday nights, that article may provide some info on how to hedge a parlay and how much to hedge it.
Thank you for being a regular reader of SBA. We appreciate you being here as we move into our 16th year of operation. It has been a fun and wild ride.
~ Scott Morris, Lead Content Manager